
Showing posts from March, 2019

Greenbelt Park

   Although this park is managed by the National Park Service, it is not a national park and therefore does not have extraordinary views or historic significance but provides cheap camping with easy access to I-495, Baltimore-Washington Parkway, and Washington DC.    Campsites have tables, fire rings and grills. The bathroom has a shower and there is a disposal station and drinking water. Narrow parking pads. Many are short and uneven plus some sites have hanging branches so the choice for camping with a large RV is limited.    A reservation is required. The charge box has been removed but there is a telephone number posted so that the same day order is possible. Check-in was not needed, in fact, we never saw park employees during a one-night stay at the start of Labor Day weekend. Some loops have been closed for this season and some people are camping in open loop.    Two sites, 69 and 70 in circle B, are designated as accessible. They ar...

Independence Seaport Museum.

  The museum focuses on Philadelphia history because it deals with the formation of the US Navy, the construction of ships and shipyards on the banks of the river, and the lives of African-Americans from the arrival of the first slave ships at Penn's Landing in 1684 to separate shipyards in the 1940s. . Other exhibits included large rooms filled with many types of small boats, posters depicting accidents involving ships on the Delaware River, and changing exhibition galleries, when we visited, featuring Crazy Eddie, a local tattoo artist. Everything is done well. Olympia Cruiser and Becuna Submarine are located outside and open for tours.    This museum is accessible. Cruisers and submarines don't.    There is a parking lot and a garage on Walnut Street next to the museum. There is nothing good for RVs but we found parking on the road along Dock Street on the opposite side of Christopher Columbus Blvd. Space is not marked so that tickets from kiosks -...

Hickory Run State Park.

   Itu melewati Hari Buruh ketika kami mengunjungi dan sangat sedikit dari 381 situs ditempati, memberi kami banyak pilihan. Kami menemukan satu yang rata, teduh, dan lapang. Situs sangat bervariasi dan sebagian besar yang kami lihat tidak terlalu bagus - berdekatan, tampak kotor, dan tidak rata. Taman bisa menggunakan beberapa pekerjaan.   Harga berkemah untuk taman negara bagian Pennsylvania membingungkan. Situs web dimulai dengan harga dasar (ekstra $ 1,00 untuk non-penduduk) dan kemudian setiap item tambahan ditambahkan pada - akhir pekan, hujan, listrik, air, saluran pembuangan, hewan peliharaan, dan biaya kendaraan tambahan ditambah biaya transaksi $ 6,00. Agak konyol. Sambungan penuh, menginap satu malam, pada akhir pekan, dengan hewan peliharaan berakhir dengan $ 55,50! Lansia dan penyandang cacat mendapatkan diskon $ 4,50.   Tak satu pun dari situs-situs tersebut ditetapkan sebagai dapat diakses. Situs tempat kami berkemah, # 374, berukuran besar dan...

Brown's Orchards and Farm Market.

   It's been 7 months since our last Harvest Hosts stop (at the BB King museum in Mississippi) and almost a year since we lived on the Harvest Hosts agricultural market. There isn't much along our route so we look forward to our stay at Brown's Market. It was great - quiet at night with beautiful views during the day and friendly and helpful people.   This market was founded in 1948 and has grown to include food stores, island candy, specialty canned food, bakeries, cafes, flower departments, retail greenhouses, and ice cream shops. Apples, sweet corn, peaches, prunes, cherries, strawberries, pears, asparagus, and pumpkins are planted on the farm and sold in season. Local plants and crops from other states are also available. We bought peaches, prunes and cantaloupe (all very good), tomato cheese (meh), rye bread (good), honey (not yet felt) and ice cream (yum).    Joe, petugas penghubung, meminta agar kami parkir sejajar dengan rumput dekat gudang peny...

America On Wheels Museum.

  Everything with wheels is on display at this small museum, which is well done - even a restored pedal car is made for rich kids. Many other cars and vehicles have connections to the area. Full-sized diorama featuring a full-service garage from the owner of a local gas station. Another gallery explained the process of returning antique cars from the warehouse to find the finished exhibition items. The changing exhibition gallery has a new exhibition every six months. The cafe, which is open for business on weekends only, is a completely restored 1950s soda fountain.                      This museum is accessible.   Parking space is large enough for any RV.

Vanishing Centralia 2019

  In May 1962, a fire fighting volunteer company in the small coal mining town of Centralia, PA started a fire at a community landfill located in an open pit. This is standard practice at the time as a way to deal with a growing pile of garbage. Unfortunately the fire was not extinguished adequately and burned through holes into abandoned mine tunnels under the city. The fire burned for almost 20 years before the land began to sink because of the burning of coal pillars that held the roof of the tunnel. Steaming vents opened around the city. Carbon monoxide seeps into the house. Federal money is allocated to relocate residents because it is not safe to live in the city.    Most people accept the offer of settlement and move. Businesses and homes are leveled and grass and trees have taken over property. Five houses still stand and because they are not in danger of collapsing from subsidence, the owners have been given the right to stay for the rest of their lives. The...

Carrot Pie

Here are a few Retro Weight Observer recipes that you will definitely like if you enjoy eating a small amount of strange food that spends a lot of time preparing and cooking. This is truly the smallest and least interesting pie you have ever eaten. Okay, maybe there is one worse pie. Don't let us forget about the Frankenpie disaster in October 2012. I digress. To make WW Carrot Pie (Hot Stuff Cookbook 1978) - You have to peel & bake some carrots until you get 1/2 cup. Blend grated carrots with brown sugar, vanilla and cinnamon - and you are ready to put the suction into the 350 oven for 30 minutes. NOTE: Recipes call for "very small pans". Luckily I have the smallest pan pie on Earth (Thank you, Pyrex). Not Worth the Effort - Trust Me This is a finished product. I have positioned it next to several household items. I think that might help show the complete stupidity of this recipe and the small portion size. If Your Pie Is Smaller than Post-It, You ...

Creamed Wieners

Sebagai seorang remaja, saya menghabiskan sekitar 50% waktu saya mengikuti ibu saya berkeliling bertanya kepadanya, "Untuk apa makan malam?" Yang biasanya dijawab ibuku, "Sial on a Shingle." Ini membuat saya tertawa histeris. Jadi saya akan bertanya padanya berulang kali. "Ayo, Bu! Untuk apa dinnnneeeeer ???" Saya akan merengek dengan cara yang dramatis. Dan ibuku akan menatapku dengan wajah yang sangat lurus dan berkata, "Kami memiliki Sial di Shingle." Ngomong-ngomong, ini lucu untuk seorang anak berusia 14 tahun. Kami tidak pernah benar-benar memiliki Shing on a Shingle (SOS) untuk makan malam. Ibuku adalah koki hebat dan selalu membuatkan kami sesuatu yang lezat dan segar. Bahkan, saya tidak berpikir saya pernah benar-benar tahu apa Sial pada sirap (SOS) itu. Sampai sekarang. Saya menemukan resep ini di Pamflet Resep Makanan Panas 1974, dan kedengarannya mengerikan - saya harus mencobanya. Wieners krim 1 cangkir seledri ...

More Cheese

Hai semuanya. Saya tidak punya waktu untuk mengumpulkan kiriman lengkap untuk Anda. Tapi saya membuat resep keju lagi minggu ini. Oh Dan FYI - kebetulan adalah RESEP PALING DIMINTA dalam sejarah blog ini. LEDAKAN! Saya tidak punya waktu untuk menulis apa pun yang cerdas dan / atau pintar. Bahkan, saya keluar dari pintu saat saya mengetik ini. Jadi saya telah membuat semacam "resep storyboard" untuk Anda yang melibatkan serangkaian gambar mengerikan dan beberapa komentar acak. Nikmati. Iya nih. Resep Ini Melibatkan Skema Roti & Keju Cottage di Blender. Tetaplah di hatiku. "Pancake". Sebelum masuk broiler. Produk jadi. Sebelum itu pergi di perutku. Jadi begitulah! Pancake Sarapan Austria yang populer untuk kesenangan Anda. Berputarlah! Ngomong-ngomong. Saya tidak terlalu menyukainya, tetapi beri tahu saya apa yang Anda pikirkan. Saya akan mengambil Terrace Tempter kuno yang baik atas bencana ini setiap ha...

Pink Soup

Saya merasa sedikit menyenangkan hari ini. Jadi saya pikir saya akan bersenang-senang dengan eksperimen Retro WW hari ini, dan membuat permainan dari itu! Apa yang kita miliki di sini adalah Kartu # 6 dari File Resep Weight Watchers 1974: Chicken Bisque . Saya berhasil. Saya memakannya. Itu .... menarik . Itu juga PINK. Sekarang tiba bagian yang menyenangkan: Adakah yang bisa menebak 5 bahan utama yang menjadi dasar untuk sup ramah-tokoh ini? Dan bahkan tidak mengatakan ayam. Itu dalam judul, dan Anda tidak mendapatkan kredit untuk yang itu. Ingat, teman-teman. Ini adalah Resep Retro WW. Apapun itu. Siap. Set. PERGI! CATATAN: Saya akan mengungkapkan jawabannya di posting saya berikutnya dan komentator yang beruntung yang datang paling dekat akan mendapatkan teriakan Bloggy yang sangat istimewa! Semoga berhasil!

The Coffee Is On

The best way to signal is that you have subsided, and they have to start walking towards the door by pouring delicious hot coffee. But that's not what happened at the Retro Mimi Potluck Party !!! We prepare a gelatin coffee dish that will keep you healthy until late at night! You can thank my blogger friend, Roz for coffee on this disaster. Enjoy it. Want to reduce sweets? THIS is the recipe for you !!! VERY BIG, thanks to Mimi for holding this fun meeting, and VERY BIG, apologizing to Mimi too! I raised my hand and volunteered to be part of this Retro WW Potluck at the end of June. This is mid-August. I think the lag time says it all, and I'm sorry it's been a long time since I got 70s !!!! Is that worth the wait? (or the weight ???) I will let you decide! I offer ... "Coffee Rum Strata" . TA DA !!!! The level of excitement is increasing !!!!! And really good luck. I saw at the bottom of the attachment sent by Mimi, it was publi...